The craziest sh*t that happened in running this week: John Kelly’s Grand Round, US 24-Hour Team Announced, Golden Trail Series Kickoff – Zegama 2019, Trail World Championships, ITRA Assembly & Mocko Show, Western States 100 Hype, Maya Rae Rae Report, Casey Neistat Big Miles, Comrades Marathon Preview, Mark Richtman & Dave Carver Passing.
#trailrunning #ultrarunning #running
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Background Image: Pexels.com
Background Outhouse: Google Images
John Kelly – Grand Round: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23thegrandround&src=typd
US 24-Hour Team: https://www.facebook.com/US24HR/
Old Dominion 100: https://www.facebook.com/olddominionrun
Zegama Aizkorri – Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zegamaiaizkorri/
Golden Trail Series – Zegama Race Summary 2019: https://www.facebook.com/goldentrailseries/videos/2339568559415957/
Trail World Championships: https://itra.run/page/425/2019_TWC_-_Trilhos_dos_Abutres.html
ITRA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InternationalTrailRunningAssociation/
Ultra Trilhos Abutres: https://youtu.be/HnqJjFP5QPE
Comrades Marathon: https://www.comrades.com/
Mark Richtman: https://ultrarunning.com/featured/mark-richtman-an-appreciation/
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