The craziest sh*t that happened in running this week: Fire Threatens Summer Ultras, #LazCon Update, Pikes Peak Marathon Drug Testing, Steeplechase Goof, Hayward Field Facelift, Western States 100 Drops and Dean Karnazes, Comrades Marathon Recap, San Deigo 100, Big Pine, and Dipsea Race Recap, New Half Dome FKT, Which Ultrarunner Is Targeting Nolan’s 14? Mohican 100 Preview
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Background Image: Pexels.com
Background Outhouse: Google Images
LazCon Updates: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23lazcon&src=typd
Pikes Peak Marathon Drug Testing: http://www.pikespeaksports.us/m/group/discussion?id=5021591%3ATopic%3A802322
Steeplechase Goof: https://deadspin.com/officials-ruin-steeplechase-competition-by-setting-a-ba-1826646071
Nick Elson Half Dome FKT: https://gripped.com/news/canadian-nick-elson-gets-speed-run-record-half-dome/
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